Training and Internships

We offer online training programs that combine theory and practice for former and future guardians of the cultural heritage of Quebec and Canada.

The training and internships offered by CCP (Conservation and Preservation of Heritage) are designed to transmit specialized knowledge in the field of conservation, preservation and restoration of cultural and archaeological heritage. Our commitment to education lives to cultivate the next generation of qualified and passionate professionals who will contribute to the preservation of heritage for future generations.

Online training:
We offer online training programs that reflect various aspects of heritage conservation, preservation and restoration. These training courses are designed to be accessible to a wide audience, from students to professionals in the field. Our online courses combine theory with practical case studies, videos, teaching resources and assessments to ensure a thorough understanding of key concepts.

Practical courses:
The hands-on steps offered by the CCP provide invaluable hands-on experience for students and those honored by the field of conservation and preservation. These steps allow participants to work directly with conservation experts on real projects, handle historic objects, and gain a practical understanding of preservation techniques.

Our training and internships offer a wide range of topics, including:

  • Introduction to Conservation : The basics of preventive conservation, materials, documentation techniques and analysis.
  • Restoration and Repair Techniques : Methods and steps explained in the restoration of damaged objects.
  • Collections Management : How to appropriately manage, store and document collections items.
  • Conservation of Specific Materials : Specialized topics such as the conservation of textiles, paintings, ceramic objects, etc.
  • Ethics and Standards : The ethical principles of conservation and international standards for preservation.
  • Emergency Conservation : How to respond and protect objects in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Our goal is veteran professionals who are competent and aware of the importance of preserving cultural heritage. Thanks to our training and our stages, we contribute to the sustainability of the conservation and preservation of heritage for generations to come.